Tutorial – Tiled mapEditor Part 1- Create a TMXTiledMap Game

Well I had a request from a YouTube subscriber for a Tutorial Series on using Tiled to create a tiledmap game with Cocs2D. I have made the first Part of this Tiled mapEditor tutorial series.

The videos are split into 3 videos since YouTube restricts to 10min. So I appologize for that, if it is annoying.

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Tutorial – Game Structure – Basic

Well I am very grateful for all of the comments being left on my blog and one of the frequent requests has been for game structure. I will make my disclaimer once again, I am in no way an expert at programming for the Iphone (or anything for that matter), BUT I will try to explain how I managed to do it in my Game “Planet One”.

This tutorial is going to be fairly vague as each games runs a little different and I want to give just some basic information so you can adapt the CONCEPT for the code your are writing.

I will start off by explaining how my game is structured then go into how I accomplished it.

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